Friday, October 16, 2009

Hakka Papa

Hakka Papa is a BBC - British Born Chinese. Hakka Mama met Papa in a model party in August 2000. Initially, Mama thought Papa is gay. Since Mama has some gay friend, she loves to have some more :)

Mama went to business a week after and came back in September, 2000. Papa called Mama if she's interested to go out. Mama said "sure". Then after couple of dinners, Papa asked Mama if she wanted to go to disco. Mama said "of course".

Papa and Mama danced until morning and went for breakfast together. Mama then realised Papa is a straight man.

Back to some basic information of Papa - as mentioned Papa is a BBC but he spent several years in Hong Kong. He studies in Beacon Hill and KGV before went back to UK.

He was a fat boy when he was in Hong Kong and therefore no one realised him in a reunion party. He lost lots of weight. He's about 180cm and 160 lbs - a pretty good figure ha :D

Papa now is no longer fit. He is a fat man now - 180can talk and 190 lbs. Mama can't imagine Papa can gain 30 lbs within few years.....

Hakka girl

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Blog starts - Hakka Mama

I'm a hakak mui. Same as most of the Hongers, my parents were from China and I was born in Hong Kong. Let me talk a little of myself

Hakka Mama
On year 2000, I met Hakka Papa. Initially, I thought he was guy :P
But then after several dating, I realised he wasn't. We got marry in year 2003. Moved to London in year 2006 and have a baby girl in year 2007.

We moved back to Hong Kong when the baby was 2 months old.

Hakka Papa